Undivided - A Training in Deep Ecology and Wholeness

Undivided - A Training in Deep Ecology and Wholeness

Through Liberation, Love and Leadership towards Deep Ecology and Wholeness.


Nikkilä Temple, Finland


August 2, 2022


August 9, 2022

October 24, 2022


October 31, 2022



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UNDIVIDED is a profound developmental training in three modules will start at the amazing Nikkilä Temple in Finland.

This training is a profound journey from body to soul, bringing you into the capacity to live from presence, purpose, and identification with the whole living ecology of this planet and to step into leadership for the transformation of humanity!

The Intention of the Training

Left and right we see the very fabric of our society falling apart. Polarization, new wars, disorientation, blaming, insecurity, fear, confrontation, lack of trust, confused governments, confused media, dying ecosystems, and sheer overwhelming complexity.

It’s ever so clear that it’s not better answers or more effective measures of control that will move us through this crisis, but a completely new operating system we need as the whole human organism to be able to change our culture and relationships from within, from the core of the human soul.

But how does this new paradigm look like, and who takes the first step? The new paradigm has three ingredients:

The Whole Self

The new paradigm begins with a new perspective into our inner landscape, discovering the whole that is incorporating a vast collection of seemingly fragmented, incoherent and incongruent parts, dissociated through our traumas and judgments, that are longing to be in relationship and connection.

Deep Ecology

Equipped with this new clarity, the world we live in becomes vivid, boundless, and interconnected. Our relationship to earth changes from a third-person to a first-person perspective. We notice that we are not simply living on earth, but that we are a living experience earth is having of itself, a transitory lens, a moment in its unfolding.

This is the shift that gives us an experience and understanding of deep ecology, the relationships between earth's parts, just like the ones within ourselves. From this lived experience a whole new world of possibilities for the big questions of our times emerges, ending the dependence on manipulation and control as the only options for agency, and revealing completely new participatory, embodied, and holistic ways to heal the alive ecosystem from within.

Embedding Separation within the whole

In relationship with the whole living earth, the whole facade of separation altogether begins to crack and collapse, which opens us to the one life that is creating, permeating, and incorporating the whole cosmos.

The One looking through every eye (or I), the one being that is all emptiness and all form, all you and me. Touching the beauty of this truth we discover how we’ve been participating in this one life through our souls for aeons, and we can begin reconnecting to the purpose of the journey that goes way beyond this lifetime.

Moving into this New Paradigm

So how do we embark on the journey towards integrating these profound shifts of perspective within and without? We can’t do it on our own. We need a relational field and support to truly evolve, I myself have to painfully learn this over and over again.

For years I’ve been working on creating a comprehensive structure that supports courageous beings on their journey of initiation into overcoming the limiting belief of individuality for the sake of discovering their true nature. It brings together the essential ingredients we need for integrated and lasting transformation:

  • Insight (Orienting maps, philosophical wisdom, and scientific knowledge that update our sense-making and open us cognitively towards meaningful change)
  • Embodiment (a deeply bodily felt experience of regulation, connection, and safety that integrates our new perspective as a felt sense of self and gives rise to authenticity)
  • Relational experiences (profound experiences from soul to soul and body to body that rewire our neural pathways and expand our mind beyond individuality)
  • Attention & Presence (the capacity to attend to the present moment and notice the emergence of life that is revealing the participatory, boundless, primordial, and relational nature of consciousness)
  • A stressable container (a regulated field that can hold the intensity of our emotions and support our authenticity, so we have the opportunity to break through and grow, instead of break down and dissociate)

The UNDIVIDED Training at Nikkilä temple in Finland is the manifestation of this structure, a profound journey from body to soul, bringing you into capacity to live from presence, purpose, and identification with the whole living ecology of this planet. To be able to step into leadership for the transformation of our collective humanity!


We grow up and spend most of our lives immersed in a paradigm of separation. We build our identity and our sense of self, our center of gravity from which we experience the world, through the perspective of an individual. An individual that is separate from the other, fundamentally and profoundly disconnected from everything else. An independent unit, journeying through an alien cosmos, looking for its place, its purpose, its path. Me and you. Inside and outside. Here and there.

Until this journey of individuality ends through the experience we call death, most people never get in touch with the other side of the coin, the other way of experiencing the cosmos: as one undivided whole. Some are lucky enough to come in touch with meditative practices that allow them to have a momentary experience of non-duality, a whiff of enlightenment, what Japanese Zen Buddhism calls a Kensho. But experiencing non-separation isn’t only achievable through meditative states and enlightenment, it is a perspective that is widely available to many as part of the human journey of development. The process of individuation is just one part of this journey, the other is identification.

The process of identification is where the individual integrates into the whole and recognizes the transitory and partial truth of separation as just a sensory experience, an illusion we get attached to. Everything is profoundly whole, one, interconnected, interdependent, and interpenetrated.

Both perspectives have their purpose, both are needed, both are vital aspects of our collective journey from one to many to one.

This training wants the bring both into perspective, context, and relationship, in an experiential and deeply embodied way. Because a life beyond individuality is deeply satisfying and purposeful, but also because it’s utterly needed in today’s fragmented world to find the golden glue that creates a whole vessel out of the shatters again

We are now standing at the beginning of what probably is the biggest shift in human consciousness since the cognitive revolution 70.000 years ago that brought complex language into the human experience: the death of the myth of separation, which is the foundation of our global culture, self-awareness, and socio-economic structures. We are moving from a reductionistic, isolating, hopeless, survival-based, game-theoretic, resource wasting, emotionally disconnected, and somatically dissociated paradigm into one that is defined by profound interdependency, wholeness, integration, developmental awareness, connection, intimacy, and the unshakeable awareness that there is no separation whatsoever to be found anywhere in this cosmos. An awareness that reminds us that we are this Earth and this whole humanity.

In the paradigm of connection and wholeness, it becomes utterly clear that the crisis won't be solved through technology, but through living from a deeply integrated sense of self that is not separate from this Earth, an identity that is grounded in interdependency and purpose. The transformation will happen from within, when we enter a relationship of syntropy with this living ecology that we are an inseparable part of.

We can't get there by accumulating knowledge or reading a book. We have to walk the path of evolution and integration (from Latin “becoming undivided”) to remember the wholeness we are already a part of.

To see beyond old patterns, convictions, and projections, we have to take a step into the unknown, meet our deepest fears, and master the principles of liberation, love, and leadership. As a first step, this requires overcoming the limitations of our body’s absolute priority of survival, transcending the instinctual realm of the animal kingdom, while including its wisdom, and truly embracing the human experience and the power that lies within our capacity to make feel the present moment and make choices. Through deep embodiment and the use of somatic resources, we create the foundation for truly stepping into our human potential while honoring our animal ancestry. Because embodiment isn't about creating an absence of mind, it is about creating the conditions in which the mind can truly flourish, liberated from fear and stories of control, becoming an instrument of creativity and choice. It is about meeting death, instead of running away from it.

And more than that, we need to do this work in intimate relationship with this living planet, not isolated and disconnected from the soil, within the very walls that keep reflecting the old mythos of separation back onto us. We need to feel, smell, taste, and breath-in the soil that is birthing us every moment, listening to its music, and also let it breathe us and fill us with its profound primordial wisdom, as it already knows the answers we are looking for. Becoming aware of the tangible truthfulness of the term "as above, so below", we can developmentally mature through the direct experience of interdependency with the planet and the whole of humanity. This is why this training happens on the beautiful land of Nikkilä Temple, a new space committed to profound work towards a humanity that is grounded in soul and spirit, supporting us with it’s natural environment right next to a beautiful river.

This three-chapter training supports you in actively pursuing this evolutionary journey and taking full ownership of your life in a deeply vulnerable and transformative group experience for everyone who wants to consciously embark on the evolutionary journey towards remembering they are intimately interconnected, interpenetrated, and interdependent with this living planet, inseparable from it. To help you overcome the polarization in our mainstream culture, to truly understand and alchemize the conflicts we are surrounded by, and live in service of humanity’s whole soul.

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More Info about Nikkilä Temple: https://www.nikkilatemple.org

Structure and schedule of the Training:

  • Duration: 3x 7 days
  • Group size: Limited to 25 participants plus facilitation team to guarantee maximum quality of the container
  • Combination of eastern wisdom traditions, western philosophy, modern neuroscience and psychology, embodiment and mindfulness practices
  • Location: Nikkilä Temple in Finland, 3 hours by train from Helsinki Airport
  • Module 1: Tueday, June 21st (Arrival in the afternoon/Evening) 2022 - June 28th (Leaving in the Afternoon)
  • Module 2: Tuesday, August 2nd (Arrival in the afternoon/Evening) 2022 - August 9th (Leaving in the Afternoon)
  • Module 3: Monday, October 24th (Arrival in the afternoon/Evening) 2022 - October 31st (Leaving in the Afternoon)
  • In between modules: Regular group work via zoom
  • After the training: Continue in a closed community where you can rewatch lectures as well as share with other participants about your ongoing integration journey


Because this training is a longer commitment and because we have limited capacity, tickets aren't for sale publicly but only available via application. We want to ensure that everyone who comes knows what is expecting them and is coming with sincere commitment.

Please fill out this short application to get in touch: https://undivided.paperform.co/


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