Wired for Wonder ADHD Retreat Berlin

Wired for Wonder ADHD Retreat Berlin

A Five-Day Embodied Journey From Curse To Gift


Close to Berlin


November 6, 2024


November 10, 2024




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This five-day workshop includes a free membership in the upcoming 14-week online training Wired for Wonder!

Our culture is in love with normativity. A believe that there is a “normal” type of person that has the usual patterns, abilities and personality expressions, and then there are deviations from it that somewhat broken and dysfunctional. This perspective diametrically contradicts the evolutionary intelligence of this living planet that creates vitality through diversity and differentiation in every aspect of life. The monoculture of normativity is the most unstable and fragile condition of any ecosystem. How come we try to use that as a model for society?

One of the many ways mainstream culture has misunderstood natures intelligence behind creating neurodiversity and differentiation is our relationship to ADHD. We have a distorted understanding of the phenomenon, usually portraying it as a disorder or disease that needs fixing. This perception has led to numerous misconceptions and regular bad advice, resulting in a collective misjudgment of the true potential and gifts of those with ADHD and their important role in the evolution of society. Without a proper understanding of what ADHD is and how to use the extraordinary vehicle a person with ADHD has received, it indeed creates a lot of pain, confusion and problems in ones life and relationships. But the problem isn’t the complex as such, it’s how we relate to it. The problem and the suffering of ADHD emerges in our demand to function exactly the way normativity expects it. This is like trying to go grocery shopping every day with a Formula 1 car and being surprised when it breaks down.

What is urgently needed is a better understanding what ADHA really is, and how we can apply it as the superpower it is, which has a profound purpose in this world.

In this transformational weekend workshop, we will embark on a journey of reframing ADHD as an evolutionary advantage and exploring its true potential as an intentional manifestation of nature's evolutionary intelligence.

Join us as we explore the fascinating neurobiology, and the unique superpowers that lie within this neurotype. We'll dive into the new science of dopamine and motivation, create powerful habits that allow us to step into hyper focus and attention, and we will learn the crucial aspects of how to use somatic tools and trauma integration to take control, stop the spiral of shame and guilt and turn the curse into a gift. This immersive experience is perfect for anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of ADHD and embrace its hidden potential.

If you don’t belong to the group of people with the ADHD neurotype but you are trying to understand it better because you relate to someone with ADHD (a partner, a family member, a child, a colleague), you are welcome to join us as long as you bring curiosity and an open mind.


Structure of the workshop:

• Duration: Wednesday November 6th Noon till Sunday November 10th Evening
• Group size: Limited to 18 participants plus facilitation team to ensure a high-quality experience
• Combination of lectures, group discussions, practices, somatic exercises, sharing circles
• Location: The Outpost @ Gut Zahren, close to Berlin: https://www.gut-zahren.de/outpost

• Wednesday 12 am: Arrival
• Sunday 6 pm: Departure
Tickets include accommodation and freshly made food from the amazing Sophie Weiser.

This Workshop is for you if you want to:
• Break free from misconceptions and societal stigmas surrounding ADHD
• Discover and embrace the unique gifts and potential of ADHD
• Explore emotional regulation, trauma, and their connection to ADHD
• Get somatic tools to break the cycle of dysregulation, impulsivity and lack of motivation and control
• Understand the science of dopamine and its role in motivation
• Learn effective strategies for habit formation and navigating relationships
• Integrate your unique neurodiversity into a fulfilling and authentic life
• Become a superhero.

To make this workshop as accessible as possible, we offer two different room categories
• Shared two-room ticket: 849€
• Single room ticket: 949€

This five-day workshop will touch on the following topics:

Rewriting Your Story: What ADHD really is, and what it isn’t

• Hypersensitivity, developmental trauma, and environmental factors in the emergence of ADHD.

• Understand the neurobiology of ADHD

• Discover the potential of ADHD as a gift and learn about the evolutionary intelligence behind it.

The Essentialist's Mindset

• Become a master of exploration and learn how to leverage your curiosity to create more focus and not less

• Concentrate your energy on the few things that really matter, to build a life that gets you were you want to be

• Find deep joy by using your passion to go deep, instead of spreading yourself too thin and not getting anywhere

Emotional Regulation & Trauma

• Learn about emotional regulation and its significance in ADHD.

• Explore the role of shame, guilt, fear and depression in ADHD.

• Gain insights on how to integrate your parts and become more whole.

The New Science of Dopamine & Motivation

• Gain an understanding of neurotransmitters and the role of dopamine in ADHD.

• Explore the science of motivation and reward.

• Understand the mechanics of attention, presence and motivation.

Habit Hacking

• Create new behavioral habits that increase dopamine levels.

• Learn about the three poisons for ADHD and how to avoid them.

•Explore the role of nutrition, gut microbiome, and medication in managing ADHD symptoms.

Relationships & ADHD

• Examine the challenges and opportunities in romantic relationships and friendships for those with ADHD.

• Learn effective strategies for interacting with people and navigating conversations.

• Learn how to relate to or parent someone with ADHD.

Finding Your Way

• Cultivate a sense of pride for your unique neurological design and the potential it holds.

• Connect to your sense of purpose and harness your passion, desire, and curiosity as evolutionary drivers guiding you toward it.

• Equip yourself for a lifelong adventure of integrating your neurodiversity, shaping your distinct gifts, and participating in our collective evolution as an intelligent, biodiverse community.

Fresh, local healthy and holistic food will be supplied by the amazing Sophie Weiser!



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