
... is a Collective Journey!

What if personal growth was a key piece in the transformation of the world?

We evolve and become whole in connection, with our challenges being part of a larger journey where meaning and purpose emerge from the living ecologies we're embedded in.

Growth and healing don't happen within us while we are fixated on our selves. They manifest through relationships and challenges, while we are embedded within an infinite ecology of change.

Unfolding through self-inquiry, as we see ourselves as participants in countless layers of cultural, relational, professional and ecological contexts, holding deep awareness of our relational context.

We want to be your guide and collaborator in your journey towards a more holistic life that you meet with confidence and agency. Are you ready to embrace possibility, and participate fully in the sacred evolution of life?


This space is dedicated to collective evolution

What is The Institute?

The Institute for Collective Development is a space dedicated to personal and collective growth with a systemic and ecological perspective. We understand human development as an expression of an evolving living ecology in which separation is merely a transitory experience, not an absolute truth. The institute isn't just a business, it is a collaborative platform that connects you with integral thinkers, coaches, facilitators, consultants, and teachers who have dedicated their work to the field of collective development, the evolution of a whole living planet.

Collective development requires multi-perspectivism, diversity and an inter-disciplinary and trans-contextual approach. It needs constant engagement with the unconscious shadow aspects of our knowledge and our culture to uncover the blind spots that keep us stuck in repetition of suffering and polarization. And it is about nothing less then bringing the sacred back into our lives.

That's why Lennart Hennig decided to set the ICD up as a collaborative platform that brings together talented and dedicated leaders in the field that are united by and dedicated to a single common mission: enabling individuals and organizations to participate in the collective evolution of humanity towards becoming a fully conscious member of the interdependent ecology of this living and conscious planet. Together they create spaces that are dedicated to profound transformation and development for all sectors of humanity, professional and private, eventually dissolving those artificial boundaries so we can start interacting in a holistic way with each other and the ecology at large, no matter in what area of life we find ourselves in in any given moment.

Learn more about our Philosophy here.

Who is Lennart Hennig?

Lennart is a growth and leadership facilitator. He is dedicated to provide space for individuals and organizations and their participation in the collective development of humanity within the larger living ecology of the cosmos.
His guiding perspectives in this endeavor are consciousness, embodiment, safety, trauma, and deep ecology using an integral framework of the whole, undivided cosmos.

His deepest inquiry is the potential we tap into when we dissolve the paradigm of separation that is underneath our identity and our whole culture, and begin embodying and integrating the idea of wholeness into our sense of self and our actions.

‍Accepting and integrating every part of our being, embracing our full human experience and walking towards a state of authenticity and vulnerability from where we recognize the profound interdependency we are a part of. He is particularly intrigued by the alchemical potential our collective and individual wounding and shadows hold for us, when we start honoring death and darkness as a place of growth and rebirth, and how we can step into a dialectical relationship towards more truth instead of polarization on the foundation of an internally regulated somatic sense of safety.

Bringing the principles of liberation, love, and leadership to individuals and organizations wanting to act from their true purpose as a conscious element of the whole cosmos is at the core of his work.

Read more about Lennart and the development of his work in the People Section here ->

Selected Upcoming Offerings

Come and grow with us

November 25, 2024


Wired for Wonder


Online Course

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November 6, 2024

Close to Berlin

Wired for Wonder ADHD Retreat Berlin




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March 3, 2025

Pasto, Colombia

Pachamilli 2025



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About Our Offerings

How To Work With Us

Coaching & Mentoring

As experienced coaches and facilitators in a wide range of contexts we love guiding individuals through transformational and challenging periods of their lives, or even become a mentor for a longer period of self-discovery and the journey of becoming whole.

Check Out Coaching and Mentoring Options

Events & Retreats

Immersing yourself in a transformational field with others who have the same intention is an extremely potent experience.
Together we can do so much deeper than on our own. With a regulated and synchronized group nervous system, the support of reflections from peers, and the witnessing of other peoples breakthroughs transformation becomes exponential. We love holding potent and brafe group container of different lengths.

Check Out Our Current Events and Retreats

Trainings & Courses

We love going deep into a field of study or practice and sharing our finding with you in long term trainings in person or online courses.
We have developed our own online learning platform to make learning with a group online and effortless, exciting and connecting experience.

Check Out Our Courses and Trainings Now!

Consulting & Advisory

Coming from an organizational background with years of top management consulting experience we love working with businesses.
Organizations are living organisms and whole ecosystems that are intimately related to our culture and the relational fabric we are embedded in. If you are interested in evolving your organization and your people to the next level, we would love to work with you.

Our Offerings For Businesses and Organization (coming soon)

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